You see, I have back pain, knee problems, and neck problems. And at the same time, one of the things I do for a living is running an Internet-based business... which means I have to sit at a desk for a good amount of time each day.
So, if you take the fact I have all those body issues, and match them up to what I do for a living, you can pretty much see that having a VERY comfortable office chair is an absolute must!
So, what did I do? Well, I did what a large percentage of any of us would do. I went looking for the best name brand office chair there was that had all types of fancy advertisements, all types of bells and whistles on the chair, etc.
The chair I ended up choosing cost me just under 200 bucks.
I took the chair home, put it together, sat in it for about an hour... and I was STILL uncomfortable?! What the BLEEP?!
Unfortunately, I couldn't return the chair since, believe it or not, it was on sale!
So I ended up just keeping the chair and my wife uses it every now and then, and I ended up just using the office chair I originally had... but I got one of those therapeutic pillows to help with comfort.
By the way, I'm writing this article right now on the couch with my laptop... so you can imagine what ended up happening with my old chair/therapeutic pillows setup (lol).
Then about a week ago, I went with my mother to the auto repair shop (to make sure they don't try to take advantage!) to get her vehicle repaired. We decided to wait for the vehicle to be repaired, and this repair (replacing a coolant pipe) was going to take awhile. So, we sat in the waiting area in these office chairs they had out for about 3 1/2 hours waiting for the repair to be finished.
Remember how I said I had all those body issues and it was uncomfortable for me to sit in an office chair for a long period of time? Guess what? I felt no discomfort the entire time we sat there! Guess what else? The office chairs they had there in the waiting area were some $40 office chairs from the local office supply store!
Again, what the BLEEP?!
Here I was spending around $200 on a chair that made me uncomfortable in an hour, and then I go and sit in a $40 chair that I was comfortable in for 3 1/2 hours?!
You know what that showed me about choosing a diet program? That you should never go for what's popular... because it's popular. A high price and name brand recognition is NOT an indicator that a diet (or office chair) is going to be guaranteed effective.
And this point was made true for myself with dieting as well. I didn't spend hundreds of dollars on popular fad diets where I had to KEEP spending hundreds of dollars on prepackaged and processed foods. I spent just about $40 on a VERY effective diet plan that helped me lose a whopping 52 pounds in 8 weeks... naturally, easily, permanently, and I ate NORMAL foods!
Bottom line, when you choose a diet, I strongly recommend you base your decision on what diet is going to be 100% all natural, effective, safe, and will get you permanent (and significant) results... as opposed to basing your decision on what's popular or pricey. As you can see from the above, choosing an office chair can certainly teach you that lesson!
Oh, and I have a strange feeling there is going to be a crazy twist on the Jackson and Clay feud on the Sons Of Anarchy! I freaking love this show!
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