The Biggest Reason Why You Should Have A Plan Before You Start Your Weight Loss Journey

"Failing to plan is planning to fail". Of all the many quotes there are for enlightenment, motivation, and growth, that quote is one of the most important quotes for entrepreneurs and students to embed in their minds. But, it's not just great for entrepreneurs and students. It's also extremely beneficial for anyone looking to start a weight loss journey to get the body of their dreams.

Now on the flip side, ignoring the importance of planning before starting to get yourself in shape can lead to some serious frustration very quickly. Trust me on this, I know from firsthand experience!

So, what's the number one reason why it is so important to have a plan in place before getting started with transforming your body?

Well, the biggest and most common reason why is because roadblocks are there just patiently waiting for you during your journey to get in shape! These roadblocks could be things such as you getting extremely busy on a given day, holiday get-together's (Thanksgiving is a PRIME example), and more.

Now, if you don't have solid plan in place, BOOM... those roadblocks spring up, you lose motivation, you lose focus, you slip, and the chance of you giving up on your goals is significantly increased. In other words, those roadblocks take on their definition without fail... and BLOCK your journey from progressing!

Having a good plan before you begin makes you highly focused and highly motivated. When you are highly focused and highly motivated, it's not as easy for those roadblocks to interfere. A lot of them may still happen, but they just won't have any effect on you. In other words, a roadblock comes up, and you'll kick that thing down like Bruce Lee!

Of course this means you also need to ensure you have a good plan in place in order for it to be effective.

For example, as far as dieting is concerned, you should choose a highly effective diet program that is easy to follow, guaranteed effective, and will bring you consistent results. When you get consistent results, your focus and motivation increases even more.

You also have to ensure that you are capable of doing those VERY important requirements on a daily basis to ensure consistent results (such as drinking more water, getting more sleep, etc.), and you have to make sure that you are doing the right types of exercises that will produce results.

Taking the time out to plan your journey and ensuring that you are doing highly effective methods within your plan are by far the very most important things for you to do prior to getting started. If you do, then any potential roadblock that tries and prevent you from reaching your goals will get knocked down right away!
By the way, do you want to learn my personal 18 weight loss secrets that caused me to lose 52 pounds of fat in 8 weeks... naturally? If so, download my free digital report here: weight loss secrets

Or do you want learn about the diet I used that also contributed to me losing 52 pounds in 8 weeks? If so, check out my review of this powerful online program here: top online diet.
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Buying Green Coffee Bean Extract For Weight Loss Offers Your Health Many Benefits

A supplement using the green coffee bean extract for weight loss has been invented. This product has been publicly endorsed by medical professionals in the United States. It's a product that has been developed to assist a person with shedding pounds, but not impact their health in any adverse way. Changes to a person's diet and lifestyle are not necessary. One can lose an average of 17 pounds over a 22 week period which equals about 2 pounds per week.

When harvested, deep red berries are picked from the Cocoa plant produce seeds which is a common ingredient for a drink that is caffeinated. The seeds then are cleaned, roasted and packaged and sold to every grocer all over the world. However; scientists have found some elements to the unroasted seed such as quinides, trigonelline, lignans and chlorogenic acid which are used to improve glucose metabolism.

Chlorogenic acid is used to inhibit an enzyme, glucose-6-phosphatase which is used in the formation of sugar in the liver and is a common component of the coffee bean. Chlorogenic acid also is responsible in reducing the risk of glycaemic disorders such as diabetes in the long term. Studies have shown that Chlorogenic acid will slow fat absorption and activate the metabolism of unnecessary fat.

When this supplement was studied, a group of 16 adults were brought together to test the supplement. These adults were considered overweight because their BMI or Body Mass Index was over 25%. They also suffered from blood glucose disorders such as diabetes.

GCA, the main ingredient in the supplement contains a mixture of hydroxycinnamic acids, a common antioxidant, and chlorogenic acid. The subjects lost an average of 10% of their body mass and a total of 4.4% of their body fat in a short time.

A capsule should contain at least 45% chlorogenic acid in order for the treatment to be effective. If the bottle doesn't list the necessary ingredients, it's a waste of money and one should not buy it. The recommended dose of the supplement is 400mg, three times a day. They should be taken 30 minutes before eating a meal.
A dosage of 400mg is recommended and it must be taken 3 times per day, 30 minutes before eating a meal. Breastfeeding or pregnant women and children shouldn't take this supplement. If one has a caffeine allergy, one should not take the product. The target market of this supplement is for people over the age of 18 who have some extra pounds to lose.

In order for this supplement to create the most effect though is when it's taken along with a good balanced diet and exercise plan. There has been an enormous response to this supplement because it's a product that actually does what it's supposed to do. It has been endorsed by medical doctors to be an effective way to lose pounds. Green coffee bean extract for weight loss finally seems to be a solution to people who have trouble losing and keeping the pounds off.

You can get details about the benefits of using green coffee bean extract and more information about a reliable green coffee bean supplement supplier, right now.
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Make Your Healthy Lifestyle a Game or Contest for the Whole Family

Those of you who have children might find it difficult to maintain healthy eating habits on a regular basis. Depending on what your family generally eats, or how often you have allowed your kids to eat fast food (or junk food), eating healthy these days is harder than ever.

Not only are there fast food restaurants plastered on practically every major street corner, but even at home you find commercial after commercial on your television creatively displaying new combo meals, hamburgers, or the latest toys offered with kid's meals. All this making your job as a parent more difficult to get your children to realize that most of the food offered at these places is not healthy and will not do a body good.

That's one of the main reasons why it may be difficult getting your children to stay away from fast food especially if it's been a regular occurrence. Regardless of that fact, you can use this as the perfect educational opportunity. A chance for you to teach your children about the importance of their health and taking care of their bodies. Depending on how old they are, and how graphic you want to make it, you can find some great pictures and sources on the Internet of all things related to health along with visual examples of obese individuals, clogged arteries, heart attacks, etc.

Educate them about the fact that if they do not take care of their bodies and eat in a healthy manner, these scenarios could become real-life situations for them as they age if they're not careful.

You can then explain how your family is now going to make a commitment to start eating in a more healthy manner in order to prevent scenarios like those mentioned above from happening. To make this even more enticing, especially for children, plan all of your healthy eating efforts around a game or contest with a cool prize at the end. The reward can be entirely up to you and what your kids enjoy doing, but here are a couple ideas to get you thinking about some possibilities.

How about after a month of eating healthy they get a trip to their favorite restaurant? Or to keep it more in tune with the health change, a trip to a water park or local carnival/circus. How about bowling or miniature golf? It's important to keep the prize value relative to the length of time and duration of the contest. A trip to Disneyland after eating healthy for one week is really not relative. Maybe a trip to Disneyland after 6 months or a year of eating healthy would be a bit more realistic. However, starting out with this grand of a commitment will probably be too lengthy when just getting used to this new healthy lifestyle. Children need a more frequent reminder why they should stick with their efforts.

Keep the initial goals and rewards to within a month or two so your children will get rewarded in a relatively short amount of time for their efforts. As your family gets a couple rewards under their belts, you can then go ahead and expand the length of time and decide upon larger prizes if you want. You can even make it a dual rewarding type of scenario. Keep the monthly small reward present like a trip to the local ice cream parlor, or movie of their choice, but then the lengthy "year long" commitment will culminate with something a bit more grand. In truth, whatever you think would be the best to get your entire family excited and motivated to make this healthy change is what's key here.

As you are starting out, you may have to wean them off the fast food slowly especially if they have been eating like that on a regular basis. Therefore you can possibly start off by allowing them to order from their favorite spot once a week. Then the following month, only every other week. Maybe when you are there, your children remember what you taught and showed them so instead of a cheeseburger and french fries they choose a hamburger and a fruit cup. Instead of soda, a healthy bottle of water.

Also, think of how you will keep track of their progress. A large chart creatively label and colorfully illustrated will help immensely with motivation. A catchy title like "Our Healthy Happenings" or "One Month of Magic" along with blank spots where each day when healthy meals are eaten you put a star or a sticker so everyone can visually see the progress and where they are in relation to their culminating reward.

Remember, you know your family best and what will work, or not work with them. Think creatively when it comes to implementing this new healthy way of life because you know how important it is for their lives and the type of future you want them to have. Teach them when they are young about the importance of taking care of their bodies so they understand the benefits of what a well balanced way of life can provide. When they become adults, they will be able to make better choices when it comes to their nutrition/health and hopefully never have to worry about having any medical issues arise due to being overweight or obese.

Gregory L. Gomez, M. Ed, has been teaching 5th grade in the LAUSD for 12 years and has now embarked on a journey to lose weight, eat healthier, and finally get in shape! Follow his progress on as he strives to lose 60 pounds through dedicated exercise and healthy eating. Get a FREE monthly Healthy Choices Newsletter along with FREE 18 page Healthy Choices Guide at
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Your Results Are Hiding Behind Your Excuses

When it comes to health, the results we want may be different from one person to another. The results we want differ based on our goals. Some people want to be skinny, others want to be big and muscular. Many want certain numbers that will tell them that their overall health is good. And many others just want to feel good from day to day. No matter what your results are, you have something that you want to achieve.

Whether you are achieving the results you want depends not only on your goals, but on how well you stick to them. If you stick to your goals, you will reach them and get the results you want. If you don't stick with your goals you will not reach them and therefore, you will not get the results you want. There is no way around it. You can try to find a way around it, but you won't. If you keep trying to find ways to get results without actually reaching your goals, you will always end up in the same place... failure.

The dreaded "f-word". Failure is one of the worst words in the English language. No one wants to hear it. No one wants to be there at any point and time. When you set out to do something, the last thing you want to do is fail. In most cases, that is the worst case scenario. In health, it should feel even worse, but it doesn't for most people. In fact, many have gotten used to failure in health. Many even expect it because they are so used to it.

Why do people fail so much in health? They fail because they are letting one thing get in their way. The various things that derail routines are not one thing, they are many different things that come up and various times. That is not the issue. The issue is that we allow these things to become one thing. This one thing is the dagger in the heart of any routine. This one thing is the killer of more routines, more goals and more successes than anything else.

What do the little hurdles turn into that allows them to get us off track? What is the one thing that can end any good routine? It is called an excuse. This is the one thing that can knock you off track. No matter what you are doing, no matter how long you have been doing it, if you allow yourself to make an excuse for something, it will end your successful run.

Why do we make excuses? I'm not sure what makes excuses so easy, but I know that we make them because it is the easiest thing to do. When something looks difficult, the easiest thing to do is allow it to truly be as difficult as it seems. You don't have to do anything to make something difficult. In fact, when you do nothing, it becomes so difficult that it is impossible to achieve anything.

That is what is so dangerous about excuses. As soon as you make one, you are telling yourself that you can't do something. Not only are you telling yourself that you can't, you are actually reasoning and providing support for your argument that it can't be done. Whatever it is, no matter how easy it may be, if you are able to come up with a good excuse, you not only won't do it, you will actually believe that you can't do it. Even if you want to do something, you can't do it if you have an excuse not to.

That is where so many people are with their health. They have struggled to get into a good routine that brings the results they are looking for. This is the result they are getting now. That is not the problem, but just the product of the real problem.

The real problem is that people not reaching their health goals have found excuses for not doing it. They have found reasons that they can't and they have decided that it is not possible. Even when they tell themselves they are going to do it or try again, they have gotten into the routine of finding that perfect excuse to fail.

Failure is a word that no one wants to hear when they are getting into a routine. Excuses are something that no goal wants to hear when it is being set. There is a reason that goals are difficult to achieve. It is not because they are too tough. It is because it is so easy to find an excuse. We make big excuses, we make small excuses and they are all just as impactful. Any excuse can shut us down at any time.

The key to beating excuses is not letting them exist. When you set a goal, sit down and think of the possible challenges. When you know the challenges that may come up, you can be prepared for them. You can find a way to overcome the challenge ahead of time, you will be able to put it into action when the time comes. If you can find an excuse to let it stop you, you will and it will stop you.

The fact is, when we fail it is not because we aren't good enough strong enough or dedicated enough. We fail because we are too good at making excuses. If you look at the most successful people you know in any area, what do they have in common? They don't make excuses. When they are choose to do something, they do it. They find ways to do it, they refuse to let anything stop them and they succeed. Look at someone in your life that is not successful in any area. What do they do? They make excuses. They find excuses to fail and they accomplish that.

Accomplishments are all subjective, so success is completely up to each of us in our own routines. Success to me means getting the results you set out to get. When you make excuses, you can't get those results. When you are in the routine of making excuses, your results are never visible. They are hiding. Your results are hiding behind your excuses.

Business Health Expert Joe Byrd uses his passion and expertise to bring business and health together. He integrates health education in lifestyle topics such as Stress Management, Weight Management, and Smoking Cessation into businesses in order to accomplish the following:

Improving Employee Health

Decreasing Health Care Spending

Increasing Your Employee Productivity

Improving Employee Satisfaction and Retention

Joe applies his craft in the business world by making health part of business strategy. As he helps companies invest in their employees, together they create healthy and successful cultures.
Twitter: @josephrbyrd and @wellnessdiv
Toll Free: 866.851.7961
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Top Four Weight Loss Methods

If you go through print and digital media you will come across thousands of weight loss methods. Do all these methods work? This is a big question. Obesity is a big problem these days. In developed countries every third person is obese another one third are considered overweight as they have strong tendencies to move to the obese group.

People have realized that obesity is a curse that deteriorates social, family and professional life of a person. Over the last few years we have noted that the ratio of obese people is not increasing as fast as it increased in the last decade. People are looking for different weight loss methods and implementing them in their lives to improve the life standards.

After thorough research the European Weight loss Society has come up with top four methods that can be of great help in reducing body weight. These weight loss methods are guaranteed to work. You will notice that most of these methods emphasize diet as compared to exercise. Similar recommendations were issued by American Society of Nutritionists.

1. Decreasing the total quantity of food intake: 

You do not have to be very specific about which foods you should avoid. On the general basis if you are reducing your food intake by 50 percent you will get rid of almost 50 percent of total calories. So, the type of food does not really matter.

2. Changing your food without decreasing the total quantity of food:

Not every person can stand fasting. Hunger cramps stop thousands of people from following a strict weight loss plan. This method is suitable for those guys who want to eat as much as they want and still lose body weight. You just have to stop cooking your food in oil and butter and eliminate fats and excessive carbohydrates from your diet.

3. Increase fiber intake:

Fibers not only fill you up but also help in improving your digestion. Extra time is taken in chewing fibrous diet that leads to early satisfaction during a meal and excessive secretion of enzymes in the gut.

4. Doing mild exercises but for a longer period of time:

Exercises and workout have an important role in any weight loss plan. Workouts are only suited for those guys who want to turn body weight into muscles without decreasing total body weight. Mild exercises like cycling, walking, running or stair climbing are ideal to achieve long term goals.
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Why Sustainable Fitness Is the Way of YOUR Future?

As a word, sustainability nowadays is commonly associated with renewable energy, low carbon emissions and recycling to name a few. Yes, being sustainable is being 'green' but what about sustainable health and fitness?

Sustainable fitness is not fad diets, 'crash' weight loss methods, new super fitness equipment advertised on television and the 'get big quick' muscle building commercials scattered over the internet. These alluring marketing methods play on one common factor in human behavior: laziness.

All the shortcut methods for losing weight or gaining muscle are a direct result of one's impatience for seeing results. Ultimately they are being too lazy to implement proven methods because they seem all too hard. The fact is that losing weight or gaining muscle is hard work. Period.

There are cheat methods of achieving results quickly with radical supplements or drugs but the problem is that they are unsustainable. Using steroids for example: Your body doesn't naturally produce the hormone levels that these types of drugs provoke, therefore if you stop taking them, your results will eventually diminish to the natural levels that your body can support depending on your exercise and diet regime.

Why take shortcuts then? If you want temporary results, crash diets and exercise programs can achieve this, but it can also bring more health issues than benefits. Tailoring an exercise and diet regime that is progressive, measurable and ongoing is the key to having a sustainable fitness.

A progressive exercise and diet program takes into account the fact that your body needs to adapt over time to the increased stresses that you are placing on it. Trying too hard when starting out is a common cause of people giving up on their fitness goals. It all seems too hard and painful in the first few weeks! After all, your body adapting is you growing in vitality and stamina.

A measurable program is keeping track of your results, whether it be your bodyweight, distance you can run, or the weights you can lift, seeing results from your fitness program is your biggest motivator. Setting new benchmarks is highly rewarding but remember not to compare yours to unrealistic ones such as people who have been training for many years longer than you. Although it can happen sometimes, the aim should never be to demotivate yourself through unrealistic expectations. Use them as long term goals!

Ongoing goals, research and progression is the major key to sustainable fitness and is the best way to define the notion succinctly. Having mastered the basics of training, dieting and incorporating it into your lifestyle, sustaining fitness just becomes logical.

So you see, sustainable fitness is not about being environmental or green in your fitness regime, it is about practicing a level of activity and healthy lifestyle that is able to be maintained for long term benefit, however being fit can actually provide green benefits to the environment too! Think of all that people that ride their bikes, walk or jog to work, this is definitely an example of the green benefits of living healthy.

Having an active and healthy diet also promotes eating more organic foods, less demand on consumer energies (for example time spent outdoors versus time spent on the couch) and less demand on resources for health issues associated with laziness and sedentary lifestyles such as obesity, diabetes and various cancers.
In summary, there is nothing really new about the notion of sustaining fitness and the fruitful benefits that it provides, it's simply reinforcing the fact that our health and fitness can be taken for granted so often. Don't let hollow marketing strategies or trends in societies that target laziness get in the way of you achieving what you really want, get out there, get serious and live with the benefits of being active!

For more articles regarding sustainable fitness please visit my website.
Also, follow the link If you would like to read more about sustainable muscle building, weight loss and fitness goals
Thanks for taking the time to read my article, remember that research is another step towards your fitness goals!
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5 Behavior Changes for Permanent Weight Loss

I love the debate over diets I see on Twitter every day. Do Weight Watchers. Buy Jenny Craig. Follow Biggest Loser. Shred with PX-90. Beach body fads. Invest in a Body Bugg.
In a way, it's all a smokescreen, isn't it? None of these programs is going to bring the permanent change on the scale we all want. Only WE can do that.
Research shows people who achieve permanent weight loss, even if they start out on a diet, leave it behind pretty quickly in order to create a unique, personal lifestyle change. They begin to change their own individual behaviors that impact their weight, instead of focusing on food.
Here are 5 behavior changes that have huge impact on achieving permanent weight loss:
1. No drive-thrus or fast food. Oh, I'll drive-through for coffee, but not for food. No nourishment there anyway! Fast food breeds cravings and dependence, never health. I haven't eaten at McDonalds since I saw the excellent movie "Super Size Me!" in 2004 and my quality of life certainly hasn't suffered as a result. In fact, it's only gotten better!
2. Shop every 3-4 days. With this change, I ensure a supply of fresh fruit and vegetables are always on hand. Since, the first food "adjustment" I made was adding a green salad to dinner every night, shopping more often was necessary. Within a couple months, salad at dinner was a habit and my small son would say "Where's the green food?" when he got to the table and didn't see salad right away. Now it has grown way beyond a habit and is just part of life. I also find it quicker and easier to shop with 3 days of meals in mind, rather than a whole week. I still shop for basics and other supplies in bulk once a month but my 2x week quick shops are for the colorful part of my diet, the alive part, the fruit and vegetables.
3. No eating in the car. Cars aren't soothing, relaxing places to eat. They're also not an atmosphere where you can eat consciously. After all, you're watching traffic, navigating sharp turns, and refereeing fights between toddlers in the back seat! Too much non-driving activity happens in cars. Eating shouldn't be one of them.
4. No eating in front of the TV. Like turning your car into a dining room, eating in front of the TV is unconscious eating. That means 40-50% MORE calories every time we eat distracted by televised drama, comedy or tragedy.
5. Set boundaries around food choices. Boundaries are a common dilemma when trying to change lifestyle. In fact, it's often a lurking subconscious need for boundaries that leads many of us to set needed boundaries with our excess weight. Sometimes, being fat keeps people away. Or prevents us from "threatening" others. Or makes us invisible. For those who find it hard to set boundaries, changing your eating style can bring comment, criticism, and judgment from others. Learning to be firm but decisive as you set boundaries is a behavior change that will serve you everywhere in life, not just in weight loss. Personally, I had to let my family and good friends know that my food choices were undergoing change and that no one was allowed to question or comment on them. Not one word! Even though we may share meals with others, our food choices are personal and sacrosanct.
Focusing on behavior rather than food can lead to powerful and long lasting changes. A lifestyle change goes a lot deeper than a diet. It takes a little longer. It's not quite so simple. But you get to keep it!
Pat Barone, CPCC, MCC, earned her title "America's Weight Loss Catalyst" by coaching thousands of clients toward permanent weight loss. Her status as an expert is heightened by her own personal weight loss success. Through her company, Catalyst Coaching(TM) LLC, she offers seminars, workshops and retreats focusing on permanent weight loss. Get her free 5 part series - Key Lesson for Permanent Weight Loss at

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What Type Of Online Diet Program Brings AMAZING Results But Also Keeps The Weight Off For Good?

Searching for an online diet program that will get you significant results as fast as possible, as easily as possible, and where your results will also be permanent, pretty much sounds like mission IMPOSSIBLE these days! This is primarily because most of the diets today are nothing but unnatural fad diets. And unnatural fad diets will bring about the exact opposite of what us dieter's want (fast results, easy to follow, and permanent results). So, is there ANY hope?

Well, the good news is that yes, there is hope. There actually are amazing diet programs out there that are easy, fast, and permanent. The bad news is unless you know what to look for, it's going to be extremely difficult trying to find such a program!

But don't worry, I have for you below 4 key elements of the best type of diet. If a program has these elements, then more than likely you have found a WINNER!

So, the type of online diet program that will get you amazing (meaning fast, consistent, and impressive) results, but at the same time will also ensure that those results last for good is a diet based on the following:
1. It will be an all natural diet based on eating REGULAR foods. This means that you will be eating normal foods that you get from a grocery store. This DOES NOT mean that you will be eating prepackaged frozen meals that are processed, unnatural, and expensive! This also means that you shouldn't HAVE to get expensive healthy foods as well (i.e. organic).

2. It will be a diet based on eating the amount of calories your body needs... WITHOUT causing you to feel excessively hungry.

3. It will be a diet NOT based on eliminating key nutrients (such as fats... because you need healthy fats, or carbs... because you need complex carbs).

4. It will NOT be some type of crazy fad diet. Fad diets are programs that are more designed to be some type of quick diet that gets you "fast" results... and then you return back to "normal" eating. Diets like this are highly ineffective because they are complicated, they make you feel miserable, and the results do not last.
Effective online diet programs are more like a lifestyle change that you are EASILY able to stick with for LIFE more so than some type of quick "do-and-be-done-with-fad-diet" that is unnatural, complicated, and in some cases dangerous.

Bottom line, what you want to look for in a powerful program is that it has to be easy to follow, it will bring you amazing results as fast as possible, it's based on eating REAL food, it won't have you starving or depriving, and it should be something that you can stick with for life.

>> Click Here for the top 5 diet programs I highly recommend that are 100% all natural, highly effective, and have been proven time and time again to produce amazing results. I personally used the 2nd ranked program and wound up losing 52 pounds in 8 weeks!
Click to learn more.
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3 KILLER Fat Loss Mistakes That Will Keep Your Body Fat Percentage High And You Feeling Low!

Do you like dieting and exercising to lower your body fat percentage only to lose a little bit of weight... and STILL HAVE BODY FAT? You don't? Well, there are 3 fat loss mistakes you must either avoid or cease doing immediately if you want to shed inches of fat off and get that lean, toned, and sexy body you deserve!
Okay, let's get right into it...

1. You're not building lean muscle!

It amazes me the amount of people at the gym that go straight for the cardio equipment and are barely doing anything to build lean muscle. Building lean muscle is by far the MOST EFFECTIVE thing you can do to burn off fat! Seriously, it's true! You can burn more fat with resistance training than you can with cardio!
The reason why is because when you build muscle, during your workout, you are burning off fat, and when you workout is finished, YOU ARE STILL BURNING FAT during your resting time as your muscles recover and repair themselves!

Now, please don't get scared here. I'm not saying that you have to go and lift super heavy weights and get gigantic. You simply need to work on building lean muscle.

The best types of muscle building workouts I STRONGLY recommend you do are compound lifts (such as bench presses, squats, dead lifts, etc.). Those types of workouts burn the most fat and most calories.

2. You're not respecting 2 necessities for life!

Water and sleep! Drinking more water everyday will do more for you than some overpriced and dangerous diet pill! If you drink at least 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water everyday, you can lose up to 2 pounds of water weight a week, boost your metabolism, flush toxins out of your body, increase energy levels, and more!

Getting more sleep (at least 7 hours) will improve your metabolism, your digestive system, it will help build muscle faster, and you can burn up to 500 calories during a full nights rest!

3. You're sabotaging your metabolism!

Going on fad diets, taking diet pills, skipping breakfast, skipping meals, not getting enough key nutrients in your diet (protein, healthy fat, healthy carbs, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals), and more, will all affect your metabolism negatively.

Simply do the exact opposite and you'll skyrocket your metabolism! Also, I have personally found that going on an effective and easy to follow diet program based heavily around boosting your metabolism with food is by far the best way to drop pounds of body fat lightning fast. This is because PROPER nutrition + a faster metabolism = a KILLER body (low body fat, ideal weight, and toned) lightning fast!

Are you ready to effectively Melt Away Fat LIGHTNING fast with an easy to follow diet program and lose up to 10 pounds in less than 2 weeks?

Then I strongly recommend you learn more about the diet program I used which caused me to drop 52 pounds of fat in just 8 weeks time at >>>

This program is instantly downloaded straight to your computer and has everything you need (including a customized software program) to get started right away with losing those stubborn pounds of fat.
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Simple Fitness Tips to Accommodate All Lifestyles

An area that every single person should be concerned with is their fitness. When it comes to this, it's important that your decisions are sound. If you are struggling to maintain a good fitness routine, read the following article for some ideas.

First, it is important to incorporate some cardiovascular exercises into your fitness regimen. This is important for numerous reasons. First, it ensures that your heart remains strong and healthy. Second, it helps you lose fat or maintain your current weight. Because your heart rate is elevated with cardio exercise, it is proven to be of the best weight-loss methods. You may think that cardio is simply running outside or on a treadmill, but the truth is there are so many other things you can do to get a good cardio workout. For instance, you could try riding a bike outside, playing a sport, or even just dancing to your favorite songs. All can help elevate your heart rate, increasing your metabolism. If you have bad joints, you should consider using an elliptical machine, which has been proven to be one of the best weight-loss machines for those with weak joints.

Cardio workouts can be accomplished virtually anytime and anywhere.

Although cardio exercise is extremely important, you should not forget to include some resistance training as well. This is important for building lean muscle, which helps to keep your metabolism high and burn off fat.

Although you may be afraid of resistance training because you do not want to get bulky, you should not let this stop you. Although it is true that resistance training can do this to you, it won't if you maintain a healthy diet and incorporate some cardio workouts as well. In fact, if you don't do resistance training, you could end up burning a lot of muscle as well as fat, which can cause you to look deathly sick. If you are prone to injury, you don't even have to use weights. You can use your own body weight, such as push-ups or pull-ups, to do resistance training.

Make sure you don't forget to workout the lower back. Many weightlifters focus on the "mirror muscles", such as the chest, shoulders, and biceps. However, all parts of the body should be worked out, and that includes your lower back. If you fail to workout this part of your body, it will get weak. When you have a weak lower back, you are prone to serious injury. Lower back injury is a very serious matter that can be prevented by working it out. Try doing some superman's and lat pull-downs to workout this muscle.

Whenever you workout regularly, it's important that you eat right. This includes eating before and after your workout. About an hour before your workout, you should consume a light snack that contains long-lasting carbohydrates, such as brown rice, oatmeal, or a whole-wheat bagel. Include some protein as well. After your workout, you should consume foods with a higher glycemic index because your body needs
fast-absorbing carbohydrates during this time, especially if your workout was intense. These foods include white rice, mashed potatoes, and cereal. Also, make sure you include protein. Protein is an important macronutrient for a healthy body.

When working out, it's important not to just do a workout whenever you have free time. If you are a busy person, you will probably struggle to find free time and make an excuse that you're too busy. Instead, set a time for your workouts and stick with them, no matter what. It really doesn't matter what time of the day you workout, just as long as you actually do it. If you workout best in the early morning before work, do it. If the best time for you to workout is after work, then do that. Just make sure you incorporate a workout into your day somewhere.

Finally, keep in mind the golden rule whenever you are in the middle of your workout: always breathe. Never hold your breath. This is important for many reasons. First, you can get dizzy and faint if you do not breathe. Second, your muscles require oxygen in order to function. In order to receive oxygen, you have to breathe. Breathing deeply can actually help you get through extremely difficult workouts. Remember to breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth.

Living a healthy lifestyle does not have to be difficult. Utilize the tips provided above, and you can plan out your fitness regime with success.

Article by: Jeffrey Long
The Spark Of My Life 2 is a Place too gather more information on Health And Fitness, learn about Supplements, exercise routines, new diets and a whole lot more as I write new Material.
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Tips on Writing Fitness Articles As a Marketing Strategy

Any business venture may fall flat if it is not marketed properly. No matter how much in demand, if you are in the fitness industry, you got to publicize your company as hard as possible. Running a health or a fitness club with expert trainers on board is a highly rewarding business. But people who train under you would want to know that you are the best in the business, since they are entrusting you with the responsibility of their body. In order to earn the trust of your customers you can resort to writing fitness articles. This will increase the credibility of the services you provide and at the same time help your clients know more about fitness training.

If you are wondering what it is that you should write about in the articles, following are a few tips that are sure to help you through the process:

The subjects you deal with in your articles are very important. This is because the topic determines whether people will be interested in reading your article or not. One good idea is to ask your trainers to discuss it with your clients. This will not only help you in getting hold of the 'hot' topics, but at the same time give you and your trainers the opportunity to mingle with the trainees in a different way.

When people go for fitness training they are looking for ways to lose weight. Let's face it, if you are writing fitness articles on how to reduce blood pressure levels, you wont get many takers.

Write lucid articles. If you use pompous words or too much of jargon, your article becomes too complicated to be followed easily. Instead go for a more informal tone, as if you are talking to the reader. This will earn you more readership and hence boost your business too!

Titles are very important when it comes to writing fitness articles. This creates the first impression on the reader. Make it as catchy and attractive as possible. But at the same time see to it that it goes with the essence of the article. Something drastically different can mislead your clients. If you are not sure about what title you should use, you can discuss the same with your clients. A good idea is to float a number of titles and see their reaction. Get them talking about what you have thought and you will amazed at how many titles can be generated from a single idea!

While writing fitness articles, follow a structure. Introduce the topic in the first paragraph. Then write in the form of tips. These are easy to understand and fitness enthusiasts always prefer this pattern.

An efficient distribution of your articles is a must if you want to use them as a marketing tool. You can either do it manually, i.e. distribute them among your clients, or do it on the Web or both. The more exposure your articles get, the more flourishing your business becomes.

Writing fitness articles can be a potent marketing tool if you can use it efficiently. Keep these in mind and very soon you will see your client count rising exponentially!

Chris McCombs has spent time writing fitness articles to help other trainers learn marketing. Chris started his own fitness business teaching others how to create a personal trainer business startup.
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Diet and Fitness Tips for Lasting Weight Loss for Kids and Teens

One of the largest challenges that any child can face is being overweight. Not only are overweight children more likely to be heavy adults, but they also face many emotional and physical side effects even as kids because of the extra weight. They may become withdrawn, suffer from low self-esteem, and avoid activities that they enjoy because they feel that they are too overweight to participate.

If your child or teenager is overweight and needs to lose weight, they can follow some of these easy-to-use diet and fitness tips. These will help them change their minds about healthy food and get moving in a fun, yet effective, way.

Diet Tips

No one wants to go on a "diet" and kids most certainly will balk at the idea of diet food. But healthy eating principles are more than just a fad diet or something that will last for a few weeks. Nutritious noshing should be an essential part of any child's everyday life (as well as any adult!) and so kids need to apply principles to their everyday eating that can be turned into long-term habits. Some ways that kids can change how they eat and lose weight in a healthy, sustainable way include:
  • Cut back on junk food, but do not cut it out completely. Many kids struggle with feeling like they cannot eat the things that they really love because they are on a diet. If your teen or kid simply eats what they love in moderation, filling up on the good stuff and then having junk food as an occasional treat, they can lose weight and keep it off. As soon as a kid thinks that they can never have French fries or candy again, they will covet them even more. Moderation is the key with junk food.

  • Focus on eating at the table and not in front of the television. Kids should avoid eating in front of the television or the computer, because this is when they eat when they are not hungry and eat more than they need to. Try encouraging everyone in the family to eat meals and snacks at the kitchen table.

  • Avoid fast foods and make meals and snacks at home. Fast food can be dangerous to any healthy lifestyle. Children who eat meals and snacks at home as opposed to at fast food restaurants tend to be at healthier weights than those who exist solely on drive-through fare.

  • Build meals around fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables contain essential vitamins and minerals and are the perfect base for any meal or snack. Kids can lose weight simply from swapping French fries and candy for veggies and fruits.
Exercise Tips

No healthy life makeover for kids is complete without exercise. Some top tips for kids to follow to get in shape and stay healthy include:
  • Move for 20-30 minutes a day. Kids can walk their dog around the blog, go for a jog, shoot hoops in the front yard, jump rope or any other physical activity for 20-30 minutes per day. This can help them to get active and burn calories while doing something that is enjoyable.

  • Take up a new sport. Sports are one of the best ways for kids and teens to lose weight because they are fun and they foster a sense of connection with other kids. Look for neighborhood baseball or soccer leagues, sports at school that are "no cut" sports (like track and cross country) or even sports leagues at your local gym or church.

  • Play video games that are active. Many new video games combine video game play with exercise, such as Wii games. Kids can play these for a half an hour or so after school and get the necessary activity they need to be healthy.
Teenagers and children can also find out more healthy eating tips and exercise tactics when they attend fitness camps. These summer weight loss camps can help them to foster healthful eating habits, learn new exercises and make new friends all at the same time. They can help to teach kids methods for weight loss that they can use for the rest of their lives. They may also help kids who were suffering from low self-worth to get out of their shells and meet new people.

Kids and teenagers do not have to spend the rest of their lives overweight, as long as they adopt healthful eating habits and make exercise a part of their daily lives.

Joe Busch specializes in writing articles related to healthy weight loss for kids. He focuses on proper diets, exercise, and weight loss camps. Parents with children that struggle with their weight should consider a weight loss camp for teens to jump start the process.

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The "Best Protein Shakes for Weight Loss" - A Closer Look At the Visalus Claims

Protein shakes have been created to try and encourage weight loss while making sure that the person keeps a high energy level. There have been a lot of debates as to whether these shakes are effective in weight loss programs. The usual cycle when some new product that claims to be the best protein shakes for weight loss comes along in the market is that a lot of people try it and then the internet ends up flooded with negative comments about it.

Visalus Science is one of the companies that claim to produce some of the best protein shakes for weight loss. The internet too has quite a number of responses both negative and positive. Let's take a close look and examine if their claim has any proof.

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New Apps Put Weight Loss at Your Fingertips

Creating a daily food journal is one of the most important tasks for weight loss. We all are guilty of making foolish claims, but honesty is the best policy. You aren't overweight in spite of the fact you only eat healthy foods. Your bloating doesn't come from drinking water. And chances are you aren't as skilled at visually measuring portion sizes as you may think.

Keeping a food journal is important because it holds the author accountable, removes the "guess-work," and creates an honest environment that opens the door for change. I know it's difficult to face the cold-hard facts because I have been there.

The basic mathematical equation for weight loss is calories in minus calories out. Therefore, a proper food journal should track the calories you are consuming as well as those you are expending through exercise or an active lifestyle.

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Lifestyle Change - Secret To Weight Loss

I can hear the moaning and groaning now. It's too hard. I have to give up all the foods I like. I don't have the willpower. I need results fast. With a lifestyle change you don't need mammoth amounts of willpower. You need to make slow changes. It is said that it takes a month to break yourself of a habit. Eating improperly is just a habit that needs to be changed.

Start off by examining your diet. Do you drink soda's daily? Do you stop by McDonald's for a delicious sausage McMuffin or have a bagel with loads of cream cheese? Think about switching to diet soda, water or homemade iced tea. Why not occasionally replace the sausage mcmuffin with a bowl of oatmeal or delicious protein bar. You can find many protein bars under 200 calories, that are nutrient rich and extremely tasty.

Add more fiber to your diet. Green vegetables, like spinach, broccoli, any type of lettuce are extremely filling while being very low in calories. If you find vegetables unpalatable, try using spices, like oregano or basil. Once vegetables are pleasing to you, you will find yourself eating them more often and even craving them.

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New Apps Put Weight Loss at Your Fingertips

Creating a daily food journal is one of the most important tasks for weight loss. We all are guilty of making foolish claims, but honesty is the best policy. You aren't overweight in spite of the fact you only eat healthy foods. Your bloating doesn't come from drinking water. And chances are you aren't as skilled at visually measuring portion sizes as you may think.

Keeping a food journal is important because it holds the author accountable, removes the "guess-work," and creates an honest environment that opens the door for change. I know it's difficult to face the cold-hard facts because I have been there.

The basic mathematical equation for weight loss is calories in minus calories out. Therefore, a proper food journal should track the calories you are consuming as well as those you are expending through exercise or an active lifestyle.

Now for the tough part... every morsel counts and should be counted. You may eat just one itty bitty Hershey's Kiss after lunch and dinner to mark the end of your meal. However, two Hershey's Kisses per day equals 52 calories; times 7 days a week equals 364 calories... the equivalent of an extra lunch in your week. Maybe you can afford this, but you don't know until you track it.

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Practical Ideas To Add To Your Weight Loss Efforts

Losing weight is not an easy task for most people. Usually, it has taken quite a while to reach an unhealthy size and reversing the process is no simple matter. Although popular ads and cliches would have you believing that the first place to start with weight loss is your mouth, it's actually your brain that needs to lead the effort. See how in the following tips.

1. Gear yourself up! Achieving a healthy weight is part of an overall lifestyle, not just what's on the menu for the week. Psych yourself for the permanent changes you need to incorporate into your life to succeed on the scale. Spend time thinking about how you use food and misuse it and what got you overweight in the first place. Focus on what you want to accomplish and make yourself a few very serous promises.

2. Be the tortoise, not the hare! Many yo-yo dieters have been on a mission to lose weight for years and they will probably stay that way. Experts will tell you that weight loss is a permanent commitment to a healthy lifestyle and the changes you should make to drop a few pounds are ones you should adhere to for life. Set reasonable goals in logical time increments and you should start seeing results immediately, but don't forget you are in this for the long-haul!

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Seaweed Supplements Help With Weight Loss

People are on a constant quest to find ways to lose weight or maintain it a healthy weight. So when a product or supplement pops up into market view it receives spotlight attention. And if this supplement is all natural and organic the light shines even brighter.

The best seaweed pill is from fucoidan extract. This top fucoidan ingredient comes from wild wakame seaweed. A seaweed pill harvested in the remote areas are best such as the pristine waters of Patagonia, Argentina.

"After years of being a marine based supplement expert and researcher, I am always delighted to hear of new studies on seaweeds pointing towards its health benefits such as weight loss," said Thierry Lerond. "The ocean is brimful of medicinal properties - as I often say in during my global speaking engagements, it's the way nature intended."

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Weight Loss Exercise Plan

Regardless of your commitment to lose weight in terms of the food you eat, exercise will be an essential part of your weight loss program. Consider the tips below for maintaining motivation and maximizing your potential weight loss by changing your exercise routine four times a year.

Consider consulting with an exercise professional four times a year and communicating your goals for exercise change pursuant to your losing weight goals. Many professionals offer three-session packages that are reasonably priced that will help you ascertain reasonable exercise changes that will yield continued positive results.

Keep track of your exercise routine change times with any calendar in order to give yourself a clear idea of start and stop dates for a particular exercise routine. Incorporate the use of a symbol such as a checkmark for the days during the exercise period that you actually exercise. Record your weight during the four times during the year to keep track of your weight loss goals.

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Hormone Imbalance and Weight Loss: Top 4 Reasons You Might Not Be Able to Lose Weight

As a Naturopathic Doctor, I've studied hormones and been exposed to an assortment of protocols, studies and research that I'd like to sum up for you today into one effective way to maximize weight loss and fat burn.

There seems to be an epidemic of individuals suffering from hormonal imbalance related weight gain. So many of my clients are heart broken by their regimented dietary programs, extreme work out and weight training regimens and strict caloric monitoring. All of which, has no real impact on balancing their internal physiological and chemical structure that leads to real weight loss.

Weekly, I work with numerous men, women, elders and teens who are all seeking the same goal: weight loss, fat burn and improved health and mental wellness. For these clients, I implement a four tier process that addresses the hormones behind their body's inability to metabolize fat. Plain and simple, I help their bodies achieve optimal balance by balancing the key hormones that are either in abundance or a deficit.

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Qysmia Weight Loss Supplement - A New Entrant In The Market


is weight loss supplement that was recently released and is gaining popularity amongst users. One of the reasons for this popularity is that Qysmia is FDA approved. Also, in many clinical trials, Qysmia (formerly called Qnexa) helped many people to lose about 10 percent of their body weight.
Ingredients and Approval

Qysmia is made of two drugs - Topiramate and Phentermine. Topiramate is sold by Johnson-&-Johnson as Topamax and makes you feel full sooner after eating. Phentermine helps in suppressing appetite. The net effect of Qysmia thus, combines both and promises to give you great results. FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approved Qysmia on July 17, 2012. Orlistat is one of the very few FDA approved supplements that came out 13 years ago. Qysmia is available for sale and can be brought as prescribed drug from various drug stores.

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Best Weight Loss Plan

How to Find the Right Weight Loss Plan

If you are among the millions of people who struggle with their weight, you may have had a hard time settling on a weight loss plan that really works. There are so many different products and plans out there that all claim to offer the best results. How can you develop a weight loss plan that will finally help you get rid of those extra pounds? This article can help.

It is important to make sure that your weight loss goals are realistic so that you do not set yourself up for failure. Don't try to lose a hundred pounds in two months, or plan to run a marathon in the next year if you can barely walk to the corner. Instead, set realistic goals that you will be able to achieve so that you are not disappointed.

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Best Weight Loss Plan

How to Find the Right Weight Loss Plan

If you are among the millions of people who struggle with their weight, you may have had a hard time settling on a weight loss plan that really works. There are so many different products and plans out there that all claim to offer the best results. How can you develop a weight loss plan that will finally help you get rid of those extra pounds? This article can help.

It is important to make sure that your weight loss goals are realistic so that you do not set yourself up for failure. Don't try to lose a hundred pounds in two months, or plan to run a marathon in the next year if you can barely walk to the corner. Instead, set realistic goals that you will be able to achieve so that you are not disappointed.

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7 Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Generally there are a number of healthy weight loss tips that can help you to towards your goal of retaining a healthy weight and all round health of your body.

The healthy weight loss tips which are outlined below are simple to follow together with some self-discipline and regularity as without them, it is easy to be lured to fall back to your old unhealthy lifestyle which I call it comfort zone, and that should be the very last place to consider as you work on your goal of losing weight and commanding a healthy lifestyle.

So let us look at the healthy weight loss tips that you ought to know and take advantage of them;

1. Your morning breakfast - As one of the quick weight loss tips, you need to strengthen your breakfast and reduce intake of heavy supper or dinner.

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Cardio and Weight Loss

Cardio is a great ally in the difficult task of weight loss. If somebody wants to lose weight, he or she probably has a weight which is above the recommended healthy level. And being overweight is not healthy at all. Being overweight can cause many problems and one of those problems is heart related problems.

Similarly, being under the recommended healthy weight is not good for you. If you stay in any of these dangerous weight zones for too long, many problems may occur. This is because we have to maintain our weight between the normal values as well as practicing physical exercises to keep our bodies functioning and healthy.

Excessive body weight can cause heart problems. Like a car needs its engine, we need our heart. With this in mind, we therefore need to protect our heart and avoid unhealthy habits that may affect our health. Additionally, physical exercise will maintain our health as well as our heart.

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Two Components to Aid Weight Loss

From body types to facial features, there are many women in the world who are conscious about the way they look. Taking drastic actions to achieve the figure they have always dreamed of, women are forever testing weight loss programmes that will benefit them the quickest. Opting for the fastest, most efficient weight loss programme can be incredibly dangerous for your body and can also leave you out of pocket. There are several ways that you can lose weight without putting your health in danger.

One of the most obvious ways to lose weight is to exercise regularly. It is recommended that you set aside at least 30 minutes each day to partake in some form of exercise whether it is going for a brisk walk or a session at the gym. Making sure that you incorporate your recommended amount of daily exercise into your life is essential if you want to lose weight. There are many different types of fitness equipment available to purchase on the high street or online, or alternatively to try out at your local gym. So if you are looking to tone your body as well as lose weight, there is a range of special products to help you achieve this including exercise balls, dumbbells and straps that attach to your door and can all be used at home.

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Best Weight Loss Tips

Hang This Up On Your Fridge: How To Lose Weight Starting Now!

Sure, most of us keep telling ourselves we need to lose weight, start a diet, stop eating all the junk and get to the gym at least once before our memberships expire... but how many of us actually do it? Let's stop talking about losing weight and actually get down to the business of doing it! Don't procrastinate any further; make the commitment to lose weight right now!

1. Set a workable schedule in place. Sit down and figure out all the things you need to do in a day, and add a healthy workout in there somehow. Make it a priority and make it work for your lifestyle. If you are not a morning person, hit the gym after work, but if you know you're always tired out by five pm; get your workout in early. There are no two ways about it: you have got to find time to do this.

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Easy Meal Planning For Weight Loss

Maintaining a healthy body weight can be tough and losing weight a more difficult task. If you have tried to shed pounds before and were unsuccessful, you might think that meal plans do not work for you. There are plenty of simple but effective ways to avoid common meal planning blunders and achieve long-lasting weight loss success.

Here are some helpful tips for meal planning for weight loss.

Plan Your Meal - Planning your meals in advance helps you develop new health behaviors. Without preparation you may always struggle with your diet and yoyo-ing weight. Before rushing to the supermarket for your weekly shop, stop and take some time to plan out the upcoming week. Include healthy lunches and snacks that you can throw in a bag for your busiest days. Make sure you choose fresh and organic food as well as lean cuts of meat for the healthiest choices.

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Effective Weight Loss Strategies

We are a nation that is obsessed with dieting. Statistics indicate that 50% of all American women are on a diet at any given time. The percentage of men dieting is 25%. Americans spent over 70 billion dollars in 2011 on weight loss related services and products. Approximately 95% of all dieters regain all the weight they lost within five years. Diets don't work. It is lifestyle changes that will help you to lose the weight in a healthy and permanent way. Chronic dieting in fact, can lead to serious health complications and even slow down your metabolism.

Before beginning any diet it is always a good idea to get a complete physical from your medical provider. Sometimes weight problems can be linked to underlying disease such as diabetes. One of the simplest techniques is to continue eating foods that you enjoy. The deprivation technique of most diets backfires on people. You will eventually give in to the cravings and spiral into overeating. You should think about the foods that you love and simply reduce the amount that you purchase and consume. For example, if you enjoy chocolate chip cookies you should still have a few throughout the week. This can be your "reward" snack. The concept is simple to follow. You will be able to satisfy your cravings and prevent binge eating. Just choose wisely and select a few of your favorite foods.

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Weight Loss Surgery for Teens

Teen obesity is increasing dramatically. The number of dangerously overweight teens is increasing drastically, so do the popularity of weight loss surgery among young population.

Despite the fact that the cost of weight loss surgery is extremely expensive, and insurance companies do not often cover this procedure, more and more men women and teens who have not been able to maintain weight loss through dieting alone are now looking to get rid of their excessive body weight through surgery.

Today, a variety of surgical options to lose weight are available, with many of them offering best possible results. These procedures include lap band, gastric bypass, gastric sleeve and mini gastric bypass.
The Facts for Families data sheet by American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) shows that the number of obese teens in the United States has grown to epidemic proportions in recent years, with 17 percent (or 12.5 million) of all children and adolescents considered obese.

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Simple Weight Loss Solutions Without Going Into Any Programs

Weight loss solutions are commonly mistaken now as those diet programs, diet pills, and exercise programs that are advertised everywhere. Now, most people think that there is no other way to lose weight than to get one of the three paid programs. There are still other solutions where people do not have to spend so much, and they can do them on their own. The following are examples of things that can help achieve fat reduction. They may have slower results, but it will not break the budget.

1. Drink Plenty of Water - one of the best solutions that most people are not aware of. Most people think that drinking lots of water is only for proper hydration of the body. It can also induce weight loss because drinking lots of water can make a person feel full, therefore they will not over eat and gain more weight.

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Sticking to Your Weight Loss Diet Plan

Sticking to Your Weight Loss Diet Plan - Even During the Working Week!

Losing weight isn't difficult, but trying to stick to a good exercise routine and a balanced diet can be difficult if you don't plan ahead. Here is a great 5 weekday diet plan which you can use:


• Breakfast - Low fat whole grain cereal, 1 apple, glass of water/milk.
• Lunch - 3 bean wrap with cheese, 1 orange.
• Dinner - Salmon and broccoli mix ready to microwave.
• Snack - Carrot sticks and 2tbsp hummus.

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Healthy Weight Loss and Character Type

There are so many different character types it is difficult to always have the right answer for every person's problem. Analysts have lengthy explanations, lists of possible disorders, and all sorts of theories as to why every individual develops into the person he or she becomes. These mental designations explain to the educated mind why a person is good, bad, overweight, skinny, or has any number of other flaws or strengths.

In the healthy weight loss arena, a person's character has much to do with how successful they are with any program they attempt. Whether you ascribe to a therapist's or weight loss coach's evaluation of you or not, if you aren't losing weight, there is a reason why. You may not be able to change some parts of your character, but you must be able to compensate for anything that gets in the way of your goal.

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Tips On Choosing A Weight Loss Program

Studies show that each year in the United States, approximately fifty percent of adults start a diet of one sort or another. Unfortunately, what is also a fact is that most of these diets fail. People may show a rapid loss for a few days, but then boredom sets in, or the dieter plateaus for days and the momentum is lost. It is typical that any weight lost is quickly gained back, often with a few extra pounds as well. Here are a few suggestions for avoiding this frustrating pattern by choosing a weight loss program that can be maintained indefinitely.

When choosing a specific program for weight management, keep in mind that different people will have different goals. Maybe only a few pounds must be lost. Programs for females are different than those for males. Maybe an individual is morbidly obese. The types of programs designed for one person may be very different than those for another person. There are some basic principles that apply to all programs, though.

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Psychology for Weight Loss

Apparently, it all starts in the mind. First the decision to start losing weight, most often when a person begins to feel bad in your body. Then we needed a constant motivation to lose weight is not to give up too easily in situations where the calorie restriction and exercise begin to tire. Many people unfortunately forget the psychological aspect of the weight loss. And it is undoubtedly important, if not decisive.

Reducing diet and psychological

More and more people are not coping with the weight loss, going on a visit to a dietitian's for advice. Is also a good idea to visit a psychological study. The psychologist will provide valuable advice on motivation and help in finding errors (eg. Inappropriate attitude to diet) ruin our resolve to lose weight. Each person is different and requires an individual observation and approach. However, it is worth paying the following advice. Often they are much more efficient than the best preparations for slimming, bought at a pharmacy.
Ways to lose weight - advice psychologist

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Fun: Your Key To Successful Weight Loss

Nobody likes drudgery. So, why are so many weight loss plan so hard to do and full of pain? It doesn't have to be that way. This article will show you how to put together a weight loss plan that will plug in to your natural desire for fun while getting you closer to your ideal weight. Read on for all the details.

First, it is well known that increasing your activity level is a great way to pump up your metabolism and speed up weight loss. The important thing to remember is you must do this by picking activities that you truly enjoy. Getting a new gym membership might seem like the thing to do, but if you don't like working out in public or using exercise machines it won't help you one bit to buy that membership. Instead, pick a sport, dance or even a somewhat active hobby, such as gardening. This will increase your activity level while allowing you to indulge in a fun activity while pushing your physical limits a bit. You will stick to it because you LIKE it, not because you must do it. As you see improvement in your ability over time, you will be motivated to continue.

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What to Look for in Online Weight Loss Programs

Carrying around extra pounds is hard on your entire body. If you carry the pounds in your middle then you are putting yourself at a higher risk of life-threatening diseases. If you carry it around your hips and thighs, you are likely going to begin struggling with your knees if you carry this around too long. Considering online weight loss programs might be a good option for you. There are several things to look at when considering a program like this. You should think about their legitimacy, safety, reviews, and results.

There are so many online weight loss programs out there today. Some of them might claim to offer you miracle pills, or miracle food packages that will melt off the fat with no work on your part, just money from your wallet. If you are looking at a program that seems too good to be true, it probably is! The only way to find out about the legitimacy of a product is to do more research. Looking at reviews of products is probably the best way. Just make sure the reviews are not on the product website. Instead, they should be on a respected, well-known review website.

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Television and Weight Loss

Watching television and weight loss are inversely related meaning the more people watch the more likely they will be overweight and the more difficult it will be for them to lose weight. The sedentary nature of television and the food and drink you ingest while watching are weight loss enemies.

How much television do you watch and what do you do while you watch it? As a medium for entertainment, television is the least active form you will find. You watch it while lying on a couch or sitting in a lounge chair; it asks for very little brain power as interactivity is limited to you yelling at the television without it responding to you (Contrary to popular opinion, yelling at a coach, referee, judge or player does not affect the outcome of any event.); and food or drink accompany you while you watch.

First, lying or sitting down burns very few calories. It is nearly the same as sleeping. Even your heart works at half time while you are lying down as it doesn't need to pump the blood against gravity. Standing while watching television would burn more calories but who stands during a broadcast?

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Weight Loss Diets for Women - Basic Principles

There are numerous weight loss diets for women available, because everybody has food related preferences. Therefore, women prefer to keep only certain diets that fit their lifestyle better. Here are some principles underlying the most famous diets.

One way that can help you reach the weight you desire is changing the metabolism by reducing the intake of carbohydrates, thereby dissolving the body fat. This diet is best suited for women who want to see immediate results.

Another famous principle that helps in losing weight is alternating a day in which you can eat whatever you desire and crave for, with a day in which you do not eat more than 500 calories. This method can block the process that stores fat, and it is also stated that it enhances the immune system.

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Weight Loss Secrets You Have to Know About

Why weight loss is so elusive for many people around the world is a mystery in itself. There are many products out in the market that are manufactured specifically for this huge global market that brings a steady stream of demand for diet products and implements to help people keep fit. Despite all these advances in modern medicine and technology, the number of people of unhealthy weights and sizes is still growing. You do not want to be part of the statistics and be among those people who find themselves stuck in a rut and baffled as to what they should do to finally get rid of their unwanted weight. You do not have to look far to find the solution to your weight problems.

The sooner you understand the three weight loss secrets revealed below, the sooner you will be able to start losing weight for good. It is time for you to take a stand and commit to taking the healthy route to a slimmer and leaner new you.

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Extreme Weight Loss - Should You Have Surgery?

Extreme Weight Loss

Many people with large amounts of weight to lose resort to extreme surgical methods to achieve the weight loss quickly. Surgical methods such as liposuction or gastric bands are extreme, but also invasive and can often have some very undesirable after effects, as you get with any surgical procedure.

Liposuction is very fast and very popular. However the actual amount of fat lost can be minimal. What liposuction does do is to target certain areas of the body, removing fat cells and giving you a more aesthetically pleasing shape. The cost per pound of fat lost though can be huge.

Liposuction does though remove fat cells permanently. The fat cells that are removed by liposuction can never come back- but, and it's a big BUT, if the patient gains a significant amount of weight, then a new fat cell can develop. With a small weight gain, existing fat cells simply get bigger by accumulating more fat within the existing cell. However, with an increase of more than 10% of body weight, you will get new fat cell development in all areas of the body, including areas previously treated by liposuction.

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Five Reasons to Consider Beachbody's Weight Loss Shake

With so many myriads of options and a desperate need to keep a fit body, confusion is bound to creep in. There are various ugly tasting though filled with highly nutritious value and some make you vomit even before you taste. These points and many, make the consumers tread away from healthy meal replacement shakes. The heath conscious people for few following facts consider Shakeology, the bets protein shake:

1) High nutritional Value

The meal replacement shake was designed (as the name suggests) to replace a meal. It has all the nutritional value of vitamins, proteins (amino acids), minerals and various antioxidants. It contains various natural herbs, Chinese herbs, prebiotics, fruits and vegetables that are rich in antioxidant etc. It is a custom-made shake for the people always participating actively like the athletics.

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The Importance of a Weight Loss Family Circle

You may have heard of a quote by Jim Rohn: "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with."

This can be in any area of life. Including weight loss. If your family circles & friends are overweight, start adding in new friends that are losing weight and/or who have successfully lost weight.

Changing Your Patterns 

On the TV show The Biggest Loser, the contestants are separated from their families, friends, co-workers, neighbors, etc. This breaks all their normal routines, patterns, habits & eating cues.

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Top 6 Crazy Weight Loss Myths

You may have heard of a quote by Jim Rohn: "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with."

This can be in any area of life. Including weight loss. If your family circles & friends are overweight, start adding in new friends that are losing weight and/or who have successfully lost weight.

Changing Your Patterns 

On the TV show The Biggest Loser, the contestants are separated from their families, friends, co-workers, neighbors, etc. This breaks all their normal routines, patterns, habits & eating cues.

They are surrounded by a new team of people working towards the same goal. They have personal trainers and nutritionists. They have new support systems to help them develop new habits.

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10 Questions to Ask Before Weight Loss Surgery

1. Do I qualify for a surgical or non-surgical weight loss procedure?

The best candidates for surgical weight loss surgery are individuals who are severely obese with a body mass index over 40, 35 with obesity related conditions, and in some cases, a BMI of 30 with severe co-morbidities.

2. What type of medical tests do I need before surgery?

Many bariatric surgeons require patients to undergo a thorough physical evaluation and undergo psychological testing to ensure that they are in good health for the procedure. Find out what types of tests and exams you will need to undergo prior to surgery

3. What risks are involved with the weight loss surgery?

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