Well here's my rationale.
Personally I used to really struggle with dieting. The main reason being that it meant I'd have to be strong willed, disciplined and I'd have to deny myself all the things I love to eat and drink. So when skinny people say things like 'I don't understand how someone can get so fat' I feel like screaming at them 'You have no idea how hard it is'. And let's face it, it really is hard.
Let's be totally honest here
Dieting is no fun what so ever. So why is that?
For me it was that my Won't Power was stronger than my Will Power. In other words I found it easier to make excuses and put off making the commitment, telling myself 'I won't start my diet this week because I've just been shopping and I can't waste all the food and drink I've bought' or 'I won't start until the summer' or 'I won't start until I'm not so busy' or 'I won't start while the kids are off school'. The number of excuses I could find were endless.
Well I've recently decided that I would like to lose another stone and I've been trying to figure out the least painful, least effort route to do that.
So I looked at what I eat and drink and thought - cappuccino!
Really - I hear you gasp. Yes, really - I figured there's about 95 calories in the ones I use which come in a sachet ready mixed with coffee, powdered milk and sweetener. So if I have 3 a day that's 285 calories a day just in cappuccino. Multiply that by 7 days a week that's around 2000 calories I could cut out just by giving up my cappuccinos.
But I don't want to give up my cappuccinos
This is when my Won't Power came face to face with my Will Power and battle commenced!
So what happened was that there was much negotiation with my conflicting 'Powers' and we reached a mutually agreeable arrangement so that I now have one sachet of cappuccino a day and two on Sundays as an extra treat while I read the Sunday papers. And that's still a reduction in my calorie intake of around 1400 a week, which over a month I reckon will equate to a couple of pounds weight loss. Take that a step further and I reckon if I do that for about a year I'll have lost that stone.
So I've renamed my Will Power as Will Find A Way Power - and Won't Power has been shown the door...
The moral to this story being that you really can eat a whole elephant! No seriously - what I have found is that small changes can make a massive difference over time and you can lose weight.
This article is intended for entertainment purposes only and it is recommended that you seek medical advice when making changes to your diet or lifestyle.
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