Weight Loss Exercise Plan

Regardless of your commitment to lose weight in terms of the food you eat, exercise will be an essential part of your weight loss program. Consider the tips below for maintaining motivation and maximizing your potential weight loss by changing your exercise routine four times a year.
Consider consulting with an exercise professional four times a year and communicating your goals for exercise change pursuant to your losing weight goals. Many professionals offer three-session packages that are reasonably priced that will help you ascertain reasonable exercise changes that will yield continued positive results.
Keep track of your exercise routine change times with any calendar in order to give yourself a clear idea of start and stop dates for a particular exercise routine. Incorporate the use of a symbol such as a checkmark for the days during the exercise period that you actually exercise. Record your weight during the four times during the year to keep track of your weight loss goals.
If you are not satisfied with weight loss results at the end of a particular three-month period, first determine whether you missed more days of exercise during that period of time than you typically miss during a specific three-month period, as well as other outside weight loss factors such as holiday seasons before determining that the exercise routine did not work.
If your failure to meet your losing weight goals during a specific three-month period coincided with a time when you took a lot of days off from exercise, change your time of day for exercise during the next three month period. Consider partnering with someone else or scheduling training with someone you pay to further encourage yourself to stick with exercise for weight loss.
As you lose weight you should pay attention to toning your overall body with your exercise changes to maximize the benefits to your appearance from weight loss. Don't use the excuse of not belonging to a gym to avoid changing your exercise routine. A change can be accomplished by adding carrying light weights during a walk or by adding crunches to your routine.
If you find an exercise that you particularly enjoy, you do not have to omit that exercise from your routine when you make changes. Enjoying an exercise means that you're likelier to do it which will support your weight loss efforts. If you prefer a specific machine such as a treadmill or elliptical over a bicycle, don't remove activities you prefer but instead combine them with other activities you prefer less, such as splitting your cardio between treadmill and bicycle.
If you belong to a gym, consider trying out the express fitness routine that many gyms have in order to determine whether new machines or activities should be part of your next exercise routine change.
Your weight loss goals must be supported by an effective exercise routine in order to maintain your health. Use the tips above to incorporate changing your exercise routine four times a year as a means of maximizing your ability to achieve your weight loss goals.
Want to know more about diet and nutrition just visit www.my-lossweight.com there you might find what you are looking for.
Husin Abdullah has been writing a lot of articles about diet programs and losing weight for much different purpose. If you really interesting in losing weight and want to know more about just visit www.my-lossweight.com there you might find what you are looking for.
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Smart Eating And Weight Loss

The pounds have piled up; the pants are getting too tight. It is high time to start losing off the extra weight. Planning right from the beginning makes it easier to succeed in your weight loss plans.
Keep track of what you eat and the type of exercise you do every single day. Write everything down in your journal. This gets things organized and you will be better motivated to continue on.
Cooking your own meals let you have total control over what to put into your body. No more extra oily, salty or sweet food from cafes and restaurants to tempt you and make you stray from your diet. Get some good cookbooks promoting healthy weight loss recipes, some basic cookware and you are well on your way to healthy cooking. You might be pleasantly surprised at the results.
When shopping for groceries, be sure to check the calories count and list of ingredients listed on the food packages. Do not be misled by advertisements such as natural, sugar-free and non-fried. Look at the fine prints. Every little bit counts towards your weight loss goals.
Eat smaller portions at each meal. Invest in smaller size plates to make sure you are not tempted to eat more. Less food on a bigger plate might give you the impression that you are not eating enough and end up taking more food. Just make sure you are having well-balanced meals, even though smaller portions.
The occasional deviation from your diet is no big deal. Being too strict might lead to stress and this is not good for your weight loss plans. You might get so frustrated and just give up. Stress can also lead to binge eating.
Sticking to the same old food day in and day out can be boring and uninspiring. Try healthy food from around the world right at home. Some of them can be easy to cook in your home kitchen.
Eating your main meals in front of the TV, work table or computer screen is a typical bad habit among some of us. It is difficult to be eating healthily this way and besides it is bad for your digestion. If you must be munching on some food while working, munch on carrot sticks instead.
Poor food choices, unhealthy snacks and too much fast and processed food not only lead to an expanding waistline but also clogged arteries. Taking control of the way you eat can lead to positive weight loss and a healthy body.
Do visit the site http://bestcookwareset.org and get these beautiful safe cookware as companions in your healthy weight loss diet plans.
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Motivation To Lose Weight - 3 Tips That Will Help Keep You Moving Toward Your Goal

When first starting a new diet or weight loss plan, most people are highly motivated for the first week or two and then the excitement begins to wear off. So how do you keep yourself motivated enough to continue your journey until you achieve your desired weight loss. Following are 3 tips that will help maintain your motivation to lose weight. They are:
Stay Focused on Your Why
One great way to stay motivated to lose weight is to focus on your why. When you first began your weight loss journey there was something that made you take the plunge and get started. Reminding yourself of this reason will help you stay focused and continue working toward your goal.
In the event that it doesn't, it means that your why is not strong enough and you need to reevaluate your reasons for wanting to lose weight and come up with a stronger why. A why that will motivate you so much that you would not even consider the thought of not reaching your weight loss goal.
Read Motivational Books and Other People's Success Stories
Another thing that will help you stay motivated is reading positive books and other people's weight loss success stories. Find someone who you particularly identify with and reassure yourself that if they can do it, so can you. These stories will help keep you focused on your goal and give you the motivation for losing weight that you need.
Find motivational quotes and inspiring messages that speak to you and post them in places where you will see them throughout the day. For example your bathroom mirror, on your nightstand, on your desk at work in the car etc. A little positivity can go a long way and really help keep you going.
Reward Yourself For Results
As you accomplish small goals, be sure to reward yourself for a job well done. If your goal is to lose 25 pounds do not wait until you lose all 25 pounds before rewarding yourself with something special.
Set small goals along the way such as losing 2 pounds a week or 5 pounds a month. Once you achieve that milestone in your journey reward yourself. These small achievements and rewards can be very helpful in keeping you motivated to achieve your goals. They are small reminders that you are on the right track and one step closer to your goal.
If used consistently, these recommendations can be extremely useful in helping you stick to your weight loss goals and maintaining your motivation to lose weight.
For more ways on how to keep your motivation to lose weight up and to get your FREE copy of "13 Secrets For Weight Loss Success", visit http://helpmeloseweightnow.org
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Weight Loss Motivational Quotes to Help You Stick to Your Diet

When you are trying to slim it can be really helpful to read weight loss motivational quotes. They can keep you going when you are feeling like cheating and spoiling your weight loss campaign.
Here are a few inspirational ones that really helps motivate me when I read them:
Instead of giving myself reasons why I can't, I give myself reasons why I can.
Nothing tastes as good as being slim!
Never, never, never quit.
Victory belongs to the most persevering.
The one way to get thin is to re-establish a purpose in life.
There are only two choices when slimming; make progress or make excuses.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.
A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips!
Visualize this thing you want. See it, feel it, believe in it. Make your mental blueprint and begin.
Failure is a path to success; so don't give up, just move on with firm determination.
If you think you can, you can. If you think you can,t, you are probably right.
Choose one of these weight loss motivational quotes and write it on paper or card in big, bold, capital letters using eye -catching colours.Stick this quote on your fridge with magnets. Sounds too simple, I know, but it is a great strategy to keep you motivated in your weight loss battle.
You can also choose two or three quotes which you can write on small pieces of card and carry around with you in your purse or wallet. Look at them often, especially when you need an added boost.
It is natural to go through times when our resolve is weak so use everything you can to keep on track. Persevere and you will be successful!
Cheryl Smith has finally solved her weight problem after many years of trying. She is now passionate about helping others to achieve their weight loss dreams. For a free report on some of the methods Cheryl used to lose weight please visit [http://www.mynewslimlife.com].
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Stay Motivated For Weight Loss Using Motivational Quotes

Staying motivated is crucial in order to successfully complete your weight loss program. Often what happens is that on the first week of your weight loss program you are very excited and do whatever you can do lose your weight. You went to gym. You change your eating habits and you get up early in the morning and go for a walk. The first week went on great.
On the second week, your old habits win over your new habits. You went to restaurant with your friends and can't stop yourself from eating that spicy burgers and pizzas etc. You won't even feel like going to gym. You show idleness in getting up early in the morning as well.
Why all this happens? Why we are super excited in the first few weeks and then in the next few weeks all our energy and excitement is vanished and we give up, finally.
The answer is simple. It's all because of Lack of Motivation. We are super motivated in the first week of our weight loss endeavor. Motivation leads to energy and excitement which in turn help us do all that we can do to loss our weight. But in the second week, our motivation starts to slow down and, as a result, we feel like quitting, giving up and get back to our old habits.
It's all because of Low Motivation that most people often quit on their weight loss program. If you are one of those who find it difficult to maintain high motivation level, there is a one way to keep yourself motivated during rough spots and that is Motivational Quotes.
Motivational Quotes significantly boost your motivation and help you turn on to positive attitude and beat the blues. Apart from keeping you motivated, these quotes can give you important insights and suggestion on how you should keep you body fit and melt off fat.
Here are some of my favorite Motivational Quotes on Weight loss which I read plenty of times throughout the day.
* Never, never, never quit. -Winston Churchill (My Favorite one)
* You have a very powerful mind that can make anything happen as long as you keep yourself centered. -Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
* We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope. ---- Martin Luther King, Jr.
* You have to stay in shape. My grandmother, she started walking five miles a day when she was 60. She's 97 today and we don't know where the hell she is. ---- Ellen Degeneres
* I believe in giving rewards and positive reinforcement for a job well done, but can we raise ourselves a little higher than the dogs and give rewards that have longer-term benefits? How can a poor food choice be a true reward anyway? ---- Jill Johnson
Motivation is the key to success. Not only in your weight loss endeavor, but in any field of life you need motivation to successfully accomplish things. Motivational Quotes on weight loss help you stay motivated in your journey, keeps your mindset positive throughout the day and give you valuable suggestion to lose you weight quickly.
Visit our website to read our collection of Motivational Life Quotes or read some Funny Tattoo Quotes.

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Inspired by Weight Loss Motivational Quotes - 3 Simple Tips to Boost Your Efforts For Sexy Outlooks!

So you are getting tired of your lose weight journey? Can't take the same diet and working out sessions any more? Actually, what you need is a break from the monotony of your routine life. And in this long journey of gaining fitness, weight loss motivational quotes will give you the ray of hope and a new meaning to look fit, smarter and sexier.
Tip #1 - Keep In Mind The Reason Why
Always try to maintain a high level of motivation and spirit by rem
embering the reasons behind your painstaking to lose weight. To make things easier you can write down the reasons in a paper and post the list in a place where it will easily catch your eyes every now and then. This action will keep your negative thoughts away and rejuvenate your desire to earn the respect and admiration from others by having a good figure.
Tip #2 - Keep Your Emotional Life Secure
To get effective results of these quotes make sure that you are not degrading your level of inspiration by getting influenced by others. Weight loss motivational quotes will help you preserve your emotional life and remain unaffected by any obstacles. Try to avoid conversation with "nay sayers" or the "know-it-alls" who may tell you something upsetting or negative about your target to lose weight. Watch and listen T.V. shows and DVDs that are inspiring and tell you about the ways to look more attractive and sexy.
Tip #3 - Stick To The Plan Persistently
Always try to stay in the track and keep moving till you reach your goal. If you feel like going toward the wrong road, get back to the right line immediately and control your indulgence. And in such circumstances weight loss quotes will give you the mental strength to reach your destination i.e. a sexy and attractive figure that will catch every one's eyes.
Weight loss journey requires facing hardship; no one said it's going to be an easy route. And in this journey weight loss motivational quotes will inspire you and keep your spirit high all the time so that you never get frustrated or disappointed in the half way. To learn more about motivational quotes click here and get in touch with the professionals.
Journey of losing weight requires facing hardship; no one said it's going to be an easy route. And in this journey weight loss motivational quotes will inspire you and keep your spirit high all the time so that you never get frustrated or disappointed in the half way. To learn more about effective effortless weight loss, click here and get your sexy outlook now! -> [http://www.best-weightloss-tip.info].

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Weight Loss Motivation

Motivation is the single most important thing you need when you are trying to lose weight. Let's be frank, if you don't have the motivation to lose weight then you are not going to manage it. Losing weight is a lot more difficult than you would think. Your body has many ways of maintaining the status quo and you are going to need the motivation to prevent that happening.
So where do you get your motivation from? That's a simple one...yourself!
My motivation? Well, I posted some reasons for doing this early on in the blog and most of those are still relevant. However, as I've thought about this stuff more often one thing comes to the fore...
It's a little shallow but it works for me. Generally I want to look good and feel good. Not only that but I want others to say I look good. In fact I want others to say I look great. That's all, pure and simple vanity. There's also an aspect of, "I knew I could do it when I put my mind to it!"
Whatever your motivation, it doesn't matter, as long as you have it. I know a couple of people who think they should lose weight and they stumble along trying but failing. They never lose weight because they don't really want to, they just think they should. If you haven't got the motivation to lose weight then that's OK, focus on being happy and confident in the skin that you're in until you decide you REALLY want to lose weight.
So if I wasn't so vain where would I get my motivation from. To be honest I'm not sure and I guess that's kind of the point, your motivation should be personal. However, if you're struggling then maybe some of these tips will help you out.
Some people I've chatted to on forums etc have said that it really works for them to have some motivational quotes pinned up around the place. The two I like...
Never, never, never, never give up. - Winston Churchill
The difference between try and triumph is just a little umph! - Marvin Phillips
I've never seen the appeal but I'm going to print them out and stick them somewhere I'll see them on a regular basis, somewhere like a desk drawer at work so that I see them every time I open the drawer.
You're obviously doing it for a reason so remind yourself of your goals. Buy yourself a smaller pair of trousers or a smaller skirt and don't stop until you fit in them. Put a really bad picture of yourself on the fridge to scare yourself into action. Pick a girl/guy you see often and promise yourself you'll hit on them when you reach a specific goal (I'm not telling you who mine is!...I wonder if by some miracle my girlfriend won't see this.) The list goes on. Whatever your goal though keep it close to you and remind yourself of it everyday.
I know this sounds a bit stupid but for ages I didn't want to lose weight because I was scared of what would happen. I could think of so many reasons not to lose weight but it all boiled down to fear of failure. It's a bit cliché but it's true. I was scared of the loose skin. I was scared of looking like an idiot in the gym. I was scared it would be too difficult. I was scared people would think I was being vain (I'm not so scared of that one anymore!). The point is you can make excuses for everything but at the end of the day you've just got to suck it up, realise that if you reach your goals you'll be better for it and then get on with it. The simple "close" for getting rid of the fear is the Balance Sheet Close. Take a bit of paper, draw a line down the middle and then put a plus on one side and a minus on the other. Then it's simple. List all of the positives on the plus side and the negatives on the negative side and then weigh them up. Trust me you're positive side will always win out.
Your not going to do this by yourself. Get yourself a good support network. Even if it's just a one close friend, or a parent, or a child, or a partner...get someone. I've found starting a blog about it helps! : ) There's a tonnes of weight loss forums out there you can join. Try http://weight-loss.fitness.com/index.php for starters. Again, what you need them for is that little shove in the right direction. Now that I've started my blog a whole bunch of my friends ask me how it's going when we meet up. That's despite being able to read about it nearly every day. I've also got a whole bunch of people I've never met asking me how it's going. Don't be afraid to talk to people...it's pretty impressive how many weight loss tips they'll have.
This is quite an important one. When you're trying to lose weight you should aim to have more fun than anything else. There'll be times when you won't be having fun but if on average you have more fun than not then chances are you'll keep doing it. Get a gym partner so that the gym isn't as much of a slog. Use this as an opportunity to try out some new foods or some new recipes.
Last but not least,
Set small attainable goals that you can reach. Hence my 107kg in 2 weeks goal. It's a stretch but it's attainable. Once I make it I'm going to make sure I celebrate. Probably a few beers or maybe I'll go out and chat up some women or maybe I will just have a really nice desert or maybe I'll book in a kayaking lesson. I don't know what I'll do but I know I'll be rewarding myself when I reach the goal.
That's all for now. I was thinking food for the next topic but I'll take requests.
Don't forget...Never, never, never, never give up!
The Shed Improving the Shed - Weight Loss the Shed Way [http://www.improvingtheshed.blogspot.com]
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The Seven Day Weight Loss Motivational Quotes For Successful Dieting

When you are embarking on a new program, using motivational quotes can be extremely useful in the fight against temptation. There are lots motivational weight loss quotes available and these can be found quite readily when researching the Internet but the trick is to find the quotes that work for you on an individual basis so they can be a great source of inspiration. When temptation strikes and the need to indulge in a diet sin is almost overwhelming, simply re-read one of the weight loss motivation quotes that matches the situation and this can help alleviate the desire and re-boost your flagging determination.
Because a great deal of following a successful program is carried out in the mind, you can see just how weight loss motivation quotes can be useful. Depending on the amount of weight that you wish to lose, it can be beneficial to provide weight loss stepping stones and map out weekly goals. This way, you can organise your meals for the week and the inspirational quotes in advance.
Writing your own quotes can be useful because it adds to the message contained within but to start you off, try using these motivation quotes for the first week:
Day 1: Losing weight means looking to the future and carving out a whole new life for you. Dig deep to find that inner determination.
Day 2: Your success is dependent on your attitude: Turn your dreams into reality
Day 3: Think long and hard about what you want and then think long and hard about how to achieve your goals
Day 4: Don't let your self-imposed limitations trap you in the body that you no longer want.
Day 5: Don't think or say that you can't lose weight - say that you can and will.
Day6: When life puts obstacles in your way, do not give in, clamber over them.
Day 7: There are temptations when trying to lose weight, turn your back on them and realise a brand new you.
These are just examples and can be adapted to suit your own needs quite easily. Creating your own weight loss motivation quotes will also increase the connection and impact that they will have on you and this provides a strong and additional resource as you begin to lose weight. Hang your quotes on your fridge so that you can see them when the feeling to indulge occurs, you can also hang them up where you work as temptation often strikes at a workplace. Consider these quotes as an additional tool in the fight to lose weight and make the most of all the resources for weight loss at your disposal.
Kevin Graham serves as the Managing Director at Empower Me Photo. Empower Me Photo provides tools to help those seeking to stay on their diet or exercise program over the long run - by showing how you are going to look AFTER you lose the weight. You will be amazed at how you are going to look - and your empowering photo can be in your hand as quickly as tomorrow. And you will be inspired, motivated, and yes, EMPOWERED, to stay on your program over the long run.
You are welcome to download our free 7 Secrets to Visualize Your Future on your way to help you on your weight loss motivation journey. Our Weight Loss Success Stories [http://www.empowermephoto.com/success-stories] are impressive.
Let The Vision Empower You!
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