10 Ways on How to Lose Weight Fast

Losing weight fast needn't be a drawn out and difficult process, indeed, a good weight loss program is imperative if you
are going to succeed at losing weight fast. In this article I am going to go into 10 methods that you can use to burn more fat and lose more weight. Some you will of heard of, but some you won't have. There are many condiserations when embarking on successful weight loss programs. There are many weight loss plans out there but the 10 steps outlined below are the best ways I know in my capacity as a Personal Trainer for people to lose weight fast
Calorie Control - This is the basics, you have to burn more calories than you are putting in. For an easy way to work this out, here is the equation. Men: BMR = 66 + (13.7 X wt in kg) + (5 X ht in cm) - (6.8 X age in years)
Women: BMR = 655 + (9.6 X wt in kg) + (1.8 X ht in cm) - (4.7 X age in years). Your BMR is how many Kcal you will burn when sitting there doing nothing. What you need to do is burn 500 Kcal a day either through calorie deficit or exercise. Do this for 7 days and you burn 3500kcal which is equal to a pound of fat
Carbohydrate Cycling - Eat Carbohydrates 40%-50% of your daily calories on a Carb day and have 1 - 3 Days where you go low carb (20g=100g)
Calorie Cycling - You can have a few days low calories then on one day, you up them by 1000kcal, or you can adopt a Zig Zag Approach where you low cal, high cal on alternate days
Periodic Over Feeding - Similar to above but every 5th day you overeat (what you want) then drop off your kcal for the next 4 days
Anti Inflammation - Cutting out foods like dairy, sugar, wheat, alcohol and caffeine can have a massive effect on weight loss. Make your diet around vegetables and this happens naturally, go organic for the best results
Anti Cortisol - Stress can stop weight loss believe it or not, it encourages weight gain on the midsection so cut out sugar, sweeteners, caffeine, stressful situations and get more sleep
Fat Burning Foods - Eat fat to burn fat,in moderation, the fats found in nuts, avocados, flaxseed, coconut milk and oil and macademia oil can help with weight loss
Fat Burning Drinks - Green Tea, Tulsi Tea, Roobois Tea and LIQUORICE tea can help weight loss
Metabolic Resistance Training - stop the long boring cardio and change it for intense, circuit style training, you'll tone muscle as well as lose more weight
The Correct Supplements - Supplements such as probiotics (the pill not the yoghurt) fish oils (especially omega 3), L Glutamine, Diet whey Protein Shake (Upping your protein content is important for losing weight too) when combined with the correct diet can really accelerate your weight loss results
For a Fat Loss Plan to Lose 9-18lbs of Fat in 28 Days with support, motivation and accountability, register your place at http://www.fatlossrenegadeproject.com
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Weight Loss Benefit Of Jogging: How To Get Rid Of Love Handles

Use the benefit of jogging exercise to lose love handles
If you are anything like I was many years ago you might describe yourself as 'cuddly' or 'huggable'. Anything to disguise the fact that you're a little overweight and have a few rolls of unsightly fat around your middle. If this is you then you might want to learn the secret of how to get rid of love handles.
Sorry, there's no secret way to eliminate love handles but I can tell you about how I managed to lose my love handle fat. It didn't happen overnight and I did have to work at it but slowly the fat around my middle and other parts of my body started to melt away and I've managed to stay reasonably lean for many years now.
Nutrition and exercise is the key to losing love handles
I didn't know much about nutrition and exercise at the time and I still don't know that much but I did know that you need to do some exercise. Any exercise is better than none right? I also knew that the more calories you eat the more fat accumulates on your body. I've no idea why it all seems to go on around your middle first but it seems to be very common.
The first thing I did was cut down the size of my meals to reduce my calorie intake. This is very difficult to do if you have a low metabolism like I do because you don't have to eat much before you start putting on weight. This means that you probably don't eat much to start with. You can also make adjustments to the things you eat to help you lose fat. For more about nutrition see this article: Food To Help You Lose Weight.
The next step is to introduce some regular exercise. This will burn off some of the calories that you consume allowing you to at least eat something. When you decide what type of exercise you are going to do you should pick something that you'll enjoy doing and can see yourself doing regularly and consistently. That way you'll be able to keep it up for a long time to come.
Jogging to lose weight
I chose to start jogging. I wanted to lose body fat all over but I was most concerned about my love handles. I also knew that I would enjoy jogging in the park along the riverbank. Pleasant surroundings is a definite bonus and incentive to keep going as are the occasions when I happen to meet a girl jogging and swap weight loss notes.
Your weight loss from jogging
Exactly how many calories you'll burn by jogging depends on a number of factors. The heavier you are and the faster you run, the more calories you'll burn. A rule of thumb estimate suggests that jogging for weight loss will burn off roughly 10 calories per minute. You can use this estimate to work out how much jogging you are going to need to do.
The calorie burned jogging in 30-minutes 6 times a week will be roughly 1800 calories a week. Another rough rule of thumb suggests that 1 pound of body fat is equal to 3500 calories. At this rate you should lose about 1 pound of weight every 2 weeks, which is a very slow but healthy way to lose weight. This assumes of course that your weight was stable before you took up the exercise and that you don't eat more than you did before.
It was a slow process but over time it did show me how to get rid of love handles because they eventually disappeared. I still enjoy the jogging to this day and my love handles have never returned.
Steve Gee

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Quick Weight-Loss

From 26 January 2013 to 27 Feb 2013, I dropped a dress size and now fit into a brand new bikini, size: SMALL!
Want to know how I did it?! Let me tell you:
There is a plethora of information out there on how to lose weight quickly, dieting and exercise. I've gone through a whole bunch of tips and tricks and ended up picking the following two, which worked wonders:
1. DIETING - What and how to eat for quick weight-loss
The information I came across (in laymen's terms):
a. Your body is most likely programmed to store carbohydrates (starches) as fat, making you pack on the pounds every time you eat.
b. If you cut out starches for 4 weeks, and stick to proteins and most veggies (not the starchy one's: potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, peas, corn), you reset your body's programming.
c. After the 4 weeks, your body will use carbohydrates to build muscle instead, making a lean, mean You!
How I applied it:
a. I had Oats for breakfast (not instant oats, the good old normal oats you need to make on the stove), with honey and cinnamon.
b. For lunch most days I made salad with whatever I could find in the fridge (tomatoes, lettuce, cucumber, feta cheese, an apple, tuna, etc).
c. For dinner I had a protein (chicken or fish mostly, just because I've never been too fond of red meat, but you can have any meat) with steamed mixed veggies. I even had the odd carrot, baby corn or peas with the mixed veggies, but as it was moderate I didn't fuss about it too much.
d. During the day I snacked continuously, not too bothered by counting what I'm having, on different kinds of proteins (eggs - boiled or scrambled, nuts, yogurt, cheese, etc).
e. I cut out soda pops, and fruit juices - which are filled with sugars - and cut down on coffee and tea. I mostly stuck to good old H2O - water!
f. One day a week I carbo-loaded. I had pasta, or potatoes, or bread, or aaaaanything else I felt like. This was in order to fool my body into thinking there is ample supply of starches, otherwise it thinks it has to go into storage mode to keep me from dying of hunger.
2. EXERCISE - How to make the MOST of your training time for quick weight-loss
The information I came across (in laymen's terms):
a. Training in the right heart rate zone has a huge effect on your goal for exercising.
b. If you train in the zone of between 60% and 75% of your maximum heart rate, your body goes to stored fat (the one's packed around your thighs and stomach!) and uses this for fuel.
c. If you train a bit harder and work up a proper sweat, your body needs more fuel, faster, and will go get it from what's available in your blood stream (all the carbohydrates you ate in the preceding 48 hours will be readily available there).
d. Thus, what you ate in the past two days will not be stored and won't add to your bulges, but the bulges you already have will mostly likely stay the same.
How I applied it:
a. I cycled (in the gym) at the desired heart rate (60% - 75% of my max) whenever I could. Sometimes once a week, other times I managed 3 times a week.
b. Having to stay in this training zone felt like I was sitting on my sofa having a relaxing time - which feels silly in the gym where people walk around and look at you with strange facial expressions! I'm sure they thought I was wasting my time! I ended up following Facebook or Twitter on my mobile while cycling, just so that I didn't have to see them looking at me!
c. But 5 weeks down the road I'm smiling and they're still sweating and struggling.
How to calculate your heart rate zones
a. Take 220, and subtract your age (in my case 220 - 33 = 187). This is 100%, your maximum heart rate!
b. Now, take this number, and multiply it by 60% and then by 75% (in my case,112 and 140). This is the most optimum training zone for quick weight-loss! Easy peasy!
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