When it comes to health, the results we want may be different
from one person to another. The results we want differ based on our
goals. Some people want to be skinny, others want to be big and
muscular. Many want certain numbers that will tell them that their
overall health is good. And many others just want to feel good from day
to day. No matter what your results are, you have something that you
want to achieve.
you are achieving the results you want depends not only on your goals,
but on how well you stick to them. If you stick to your goals, you will
reach them and get the results you want. If you don't stick with your
goals you will not reach them and therefore, you will not get the
results you want. There is no way around it. You can try to find a way
around it, but you won't. If you keep trying to find ways to get results
without actually reaching your goals, you will always end up in the
same place... failure.
The dreaded "f-word". Failure is one of the
worst words in the English language. No one wants to hear it. No one
wants to be there at any point and time. When you set out to do
something, the last thing you want to do is fail. In most cases, that is
the worst case scenario. In health, it should feel even worse, but it
doesn't for most people. In fact, many have gotten used to failure in
health. Many even expect it because they are so used to it.
Why do
people fail so much in health? They fail because they are letting one
thing get in their way. The various things that derail routines are not
one thing, they are many different things that come up and various
times. That is not the issue. The issue is that we allow these things to
become one thing. This one thing is the dagger in the heart of any
routine. This one thing is the killer of more routines, more goals and
more successes than anything else.
What do the little hurdles turn
into that allows them to get us off track? What is the one thing that
can end any good routine? It is called an excuse. This is the one thing
that can knock you off track. No matter what you are doing, no matter
how long you have been doing it, if you allow yourself to make an excuse
for something, it will end your successful run.
Why do we make
excuses? I'm not sure what makes excuses so easy, but I know that we
make them because it is the easiest thing to do. When something looks
difficult, the easiest thing to do is allow it to truly be as difficult
as it seems. You don't have to do anything to make something difficult.
In fact, when you do nothing, it becomes so difficult that it is
impossible to achieve anything.
That is what is so dangerous about
excuses. As soon as you make one, you are telling yourself that you
can't do something. Not only are you telling yourself that you can't,
you are actually reasoning and providing support for your argument that
it can't be done. Whatever it is, no matter how easy it may be, if you
are able to come up with a good excuse, you not only won't do it, you
will actually believe that you can't do it. Even if you want to do
something, you can't do it if you have an excuse not to.
That is
where so many people are with their health. They have struggled to get
into a good routine that brings the results they are looking for. This
is the result they are getting now. That is not the problem, but just
the product of the real problem.
The real problem is that people
not reaching their health goals have found excuses for not doing it.
They have found reasons that they can't and they have decided that it is
not possible. Even when they tell themselves they are going to do it or
try again, they have gotten into the routine of finding that perfect
excuse to fail.
Failure is a word that no one wants to hear when
they are getting into a routine. Excuses are something that no goal
wants to hear when it is being set. There is a reason that goals are
difficult to achieve. It is not because they are too tough. It is
because it is so easy to find an excuse. We make big excuses, we make
small excuses and they are all just as impactful. Any excuse can shut us
down at any time.
The key to beating excuses is not letting them
exist. When you set a goal, sit down and think of the possible
challenges. When you know the challenges that may come up, you can be
prepared for them. You can find a way to overcome the challenge ahead of
time, you will be able to put it into action when the time comes. If
you can find an excuse to let it stop you, you will and it will stop
The fact is, when we fail it is not because we aren't good
enough strong enough or dedicated enough. We fail because we are too
good at making excuses. If you look at the most successful people you
know in any area, what do they have in common? They don't make excuses.
When they are choose to do something, they do it. They find ways to do
it, they refuse to let anything stop them and they succeed. Look at
someone in your life that is not successful in any area. What do they
do? They make excuses. They find excuses to fail and they accomplish
Accomplishments are all subjective, so success is completely
up to each of us in our own routines. Success to me means getting the
results you set out to get. When you make excuses, you can't get those
results. When you are in the routine of making excuses, your results are
never visible. They are hiding. Your results are hiding behind your
Business Health Expert Joe Byrd uses his passion and expertise to
bring business and health together. He integrates health education in
lifestyle topics such as Stress Management, Weight Management, and
Smoking Cessation into businesses in order to accomplish the following:
Improving Employee Health
Decreasing Health Care Spending
Increasing Your Employee Productivity
Improving Employee Satisfaction and Retention
applies his craft in the business world by making health part of
business strategy. As he helps companies invest in their employees,
together they create healthy and successful cultures.
http://www.TheWellnessDivision.com Email:
info@TheWellnessDivision.com Twitter: @josephrbyrd and @wellnessdiv
http://www.facebook.com/thewellnessdivision Toll Free: 866.851.7961